Elaine Horemans on Spinning Day

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Elaine Horemans on Spinning Day

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Jung-Ah Kim


Elaine Horemans




Another thing I'd like to mention is our spinning days. We have a spinning day, we used to have it every month. And during the pandemic of course we've had to cancel, but I believe it's going to be picking up again shortly. And it's an opportunity for anyone who's a member of the guild who spins to get together and sit in a circle and chat and spin. And we have a potluck lunch, usually we meet at one of the members homes, which is also kind of fun, so that you can go and see what other people have for equipment, or you know, it's just a different ambience. And recently, because of the pandemic, we've been gathering in parks outside, so that's also quite nice, although you have to be careful that your fibre doesn't blow away. But it's an opportunity to see what other people are spinning. When I first participated, I didn't know anyone. And I would walk around the circle and ask each person what they were spinning and how they were spinning it and why, what they were going to make out of it and everybody seemed to be very generous with information. And it was a great opportunity for me to learn as well. So now I encourage people to do the same. You know, when we talk about politics, and we talk about fixing the world, and we talk about each other, and we have a great time, we really do. And it's been a very positive and inclusive thing that I've been part of with the guild. I believe there's also weaving get togethers although I haven't been part of them yet. There's opportunities for those who have other interests to get together as well. I mean, the Guild's really been very good that way as far as social connection.


Elaine Horemans_Spinning Day.wav


“Elaine Horemans on Spinning Day,” KHWS Threads of History, accessed May 16, 2024, https://khwsthreadsofhistory.omeka.net/items/show/99.

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