Doreen Jeffers

It's a great place to learn how to do something. You can have a lot of fun with it. You don't have to weave strictly, as they say you should. You can do it any way, as long as you can get it to hold together and enjoy it. I think that's the main thing, enjoy the weaving, enjoy the spinning. Spinning, you've got more companionship, because you can go take the wheel and go sit with somebody else and do it. But it is all equal. So enjoy it.

Doreen Jeffers joined the Guild in 1962, when it was called the Kingston Hand-Loom Weavers. She taught spinning workshops in the Guild for over twenty years and was a founding member of the spinning group. Jeffers learned to weave by taking classes with Cora Reid at Kingston's Bath House and furthered her knowledge by taking night classes at Calvin Park High School and spinning courses in Barrie.   

Here, she discusses her experiences in the fibre arts in Kingston, learning to spin and weave with fellow KHWS member Robin Ashley, and working as a weaver for the DuPont company in the 1990s.

Doreen Jeffers reflects on her experiences in the fibre arts.